
Bappenas Directs Fly Over Development in Sitinjau Lauik

POSTMEDAN, PADANG – Sitinjau Lauik street is a logistics route that connects West Sumatra – Jambi, which is often traversed by heavy vehicles with a density of 0.8. There is a blackspot or accident-prone point in the form of roads with extreme bends and inclines, especially at the Panorama 1 point.

In 2016-2020, the number of accidents on the Sitinjau Lauik route reached 50 incidents with 4-5 people dying per year.

“Bappenas directs the construction of the Sitinjau Lauik flyover / flyover to produce road safety and smooth logistics lines.” said the Head of Bappenas during a working visit there, on Thursday, April 8, 2021.

The implementation of this development is the stage of preparing the design and land acquisition which will be carried out in 2021 to 2022, and construction will be carried out in 2023, with an indication of SBSN funding.

Minister Suharso ensured that Bappenas would coordinate short-term handling (2021-2022) to suppress traffic accident victims through a cross-stakeholder action plan.

They are, geometric handling and improvement of road conditions by the Ministry of PUPR, provision of road safety equipment and traffic foundations, by the Ministry of Transportation, policing and law enforcement for road users including road overloading by Korlantas POLRI and rapid handling of accident victims by the Ministry of Health. (Red)

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